Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Great Great Great Great

Puuuuuuuurfect :)

The Full Hijaab by Shaykh Salem al Amry


Thursday, 4 February 2010

Virtue of Sitting in the Prayer Area After the Fajr Prayer

Reposting from HMY sisters' blog

Virtue of Sitting in the Prayer Area After the Fajr Prayer

After reading these narrations, I see importance in publishing them for the general benefit.- Shaykh `Abdullah ibn `Abdur Rahman Al-Jibreen

From Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: "The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: 'Whoever prays the morning prayer in congregation then sits remembering Allah until the sun rises, then prays two units of prayer has the reward like that of Hajj and `Umrah.'" He said, "Allah's Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: 'Complete, complete, complete (i.e. reward).'"

Related by at-Tirmidhi (2/586), Takhreej Ahmad Shakir. `Abu `Isa (at-Tirmidhi) said: This hadeeth is hasan ghareeb. Shakir said in his verification: At-Tirmidhi declared it hasan, and in its chain of narrators is Abu Dhilaal, and he has been spoken about, but the hadeeth has other supporting narrations. Al-Albani declared it hasan in Saheeh at-Tirmidhi (591) and At-Ta`leeq ar-Ragheeb (164 and 165) and Saheeh at-Targheeb (1/461) and declared it saheeh in Saheeh al-Jaami` (6346).

From supporting narrations

- From Abi Umaamah who said: "Allah's Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: 'Whoever prays the morning prayer in congregation then sits remembering Allah until he sun rises, then stands up and prays two units of prayer returns with the reward of Hajj and `Umrah.'" [Majma` uz-Zawaid of al-Haythami 10/104-105] Related by at-Tabarani and its isnad is good. Al-Albani declared it hasan in Saheeh at-Targheeb (1/464)]

- From `Abdullah bin `Aamir that Abu Umaamah and `Utbah Bin `Abd related that Allah's Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever prays as-S.ubh. (i.e. fajr prayer) in congregation then sits until he prays for Allah the prayer of Dhuha has the reward like that of a haajj (pilgrim performing Hajj) and a mu`tamir (pilgrim peforming `Umrah), complete reward of his Hajj and his `Umrah." Related by at-Tabarani and declared hasan by al-Albani in Saheeh at-Targheeb (/1466) [Majma` uz-Zawaid of al-Haythami 10/104-105]

- From `Usrah who said, "I heard the Mother of believers, meaning `Aa'isha, say: 'I heard Allah's Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, say: 'Whoever prays fajr (or he said al-ghadaah, [transl. both referring to the morning prayer]), then sits in his place and does not speak idly with something from matters of this world and remembers Allah until he prays four units of Dhuha, he will leave his sins like the day his mother bore him, without any sin.''" [al-Mataalib al-`Aaliyah bi Zawaa'id al-Masaaneed ath-Thamaaniyah of Ibn Hajr (3/3394), takhreej: Habeeb ur-Rahman al-A`dhami. The authenticator said: "Al-Buwaysari said: 'Abu Ya`laa related it about Salat adh-Dhuha with a hasan chain.'"] Related by Abu Ya`laa and at-Tabarani related something similar to it in al-Awsat.

- From Sammaak That he asked Jaabir bin Samurah: "What did the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, do when he prayed as-Subh (the morning prayer)." He said: "He used to sit in the Musallaa after he prayed as-Subh until the Sun rises." [Muslim, Sharh an-Nawawi: Mosques

- Virtue of sitting in the Musalla after Subh (5/171)]

- From Sahl bin Mu`aadh bin Anas al-Juhani from his father, that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever sits in his prayer area (musallaa) after he completes as-Subh prayer until he prays two units of Dhuha prayer, [and] doesn't say except what is good, his sins will be forgiven even if they are more than the foam of the sea." [Abu Dawud 2/1287, takhreej ad-Da`aas]

Important Remarks

Women are included in this bounty, as indicated by the previously quoted supporting evidence and the hadeeth of Juwayriyyah - from Imam Muslim - that she used to sit in her prayer area (musallaa) when she would pray the morning prayer until adh-Dhuha.

One who sits should not pray until the Sun rises and its light spreads in the horizion, as in the hadeeth of Muslim.

One should pray four units of prayer of adh Dhuha prayer as in the hadeeth of `Aa'ishah and the hadeeth of Umaamah and `Utbah bin `Abd from at-Tabarani.

Greatness of the reward and ease of the action should not sound discouraging to us, for great rewards have been related in the two Saheehs for easy actions. Look for examples in what has been related about saying Laa ilaha il Allah and Subhan Allah.

Read precious comments related to understanding of these narrations by Shakh Mustafa Muhammad `Imarah in his notes to the book at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb by al Mundhiri (1/298, and what comes after it).

Source: islam.com